

The advanced fax & answer machine & mini bbs

STFax 4 was written with the intention of creating a centralised communications tool for the consumer and SOHO market. The main intention of STFax 4 is to offer advanced features, yet retain ease of use, supporting a number of different communication mediums, such as fax, voice, data, and, later, email and GSM/SMS.

STFax 4 offers scalability, adapting to the home user needing a simple answer/fax machine replacement, through to a company requiring automated fax and voice message distribution across small network of computers.

Enhanced flexibility also enables a travelling businessman to install onto his notebook, running under UAE, connect his GSM phone and send/receive a fax, receive/reply/send an SMS message, write/send/receive email or even remotely access the local
STFax 4, situated within the office.

For interested STFax v3.x users, a 'history list' listing new/enhanced features since the last STFax (v3.8) upgrade is now available. Click here for the list.

"At its simpliest level, STFax can directly replace your answerphone. A greeting is followed by a single beep and the caller is away. However, doing this is to miss on some of STFax's greatest features."

"..STFax can personalise the greeting message for a user. Imagine having a raunchy greeting message for your girlfriend but a nice polite one for your grandma when she calls, or one that addresses your friends by name. Spooky, 'eh?"

"If you have a voice modem then you should do yourself a favour and ring the number listed in the verdict box right now."

Amiga Format - 95% May 1998

"This is an excellent application, that is both powerful and easy to use, costing about the same as a cheap answering machine, it really is a bargain."

"A professional piece of software with a price tag only slightly above most shareware... excellent program for use in the home or small business".

CU Amiga - 94% April 1998


General Features

STFax is a multi-purpose voice/fax/data communications package. Replacing several dedicated devices, STFax is a phone, answer-machine, facsimile, mini-BBS and communications server.

Automatic call detection. Distinguish between incoming voice, fax and data calls. Any server can be �voice, fax and data�, �fax only�, �voice only�, �data only� and so on. If set to �voice and fax�, STFax will initially answer in voice mode, switching to fax mode if the call is an incoming fax.

Remote access. STFax allows full remote access by any account holder. Call STFax on any server which contains a �Remote Access� command within a script, enter your account ID, followed by the password and choose from three options:

  • Playback of new voice messages. STFax will inform the caller of the number of new voice messages contained with this account and start to playback messages one by one. The caller would have the option to skip, replay or delete the voice message.

  • Forwarding of new fax documents. STFax would inform the caller of the number of new fax documents, ask for the number to forward these documents, would hangup, prepare and then forward the documents to the specified remote fax machine. This option is ideal for users who are often work outside the office (as a consultant, or similar), are unsure of the remote fax number and wishes to forward all documents, from their account, to a remote number.

  • Re-recording of greeting message. A remote caller can call STFax and change their menu greeting (this is the initial greeting a caller would hear when the server answers the incoming call). STFax would play the greeting, ask if the caller wishes to re-record, and would then re-record. The user would again have the option to replay or re-record this new greeting.

Standard interface. STFax was designed to be suitable for both the consumer and small or home business market. The interface, based on a tried and tested design, was created to be powerful, user-friendly and unintrusive.

Supports an unlimited number of accounts/boxes. Each user can have their own account/box, password protected and containing a number of different options: auto-forwarding, auto-printing, notification and more.

Distinctive ring (modem dependent). Distinctive ring �splits� one phone line with multiple phone numbers. A line can have upto four different numbers, per phone line. Each of these numbers plays back a different ring tone - STFax can determine the number dialed, by the ring tone.

As an example, a small or home business could split one line, with two different phone numbers, to perform two different tasks. Some examples include:

  1. Business and personal. In some areas of the country BT are unable to offer more than one phone line per household. In this case, the user would be able to use the one phone line, with two numbers - one for personal calls and one for business.

    STFax could be used during the day to differentiate between these two calls. Indeed, STFax could play a �Sorry, we are currently unavailable, Please leave a message after the tone� message, for the personal number, but allow the caller to answer the business line.

    After business hours, the opposite would apply. STFax could play �Sorry, we are open between the hours of 9am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. Please leave a message after the tone� but would ignore calls to the personal line. So, if a call came into the personal number, after 6pm, STFax would let the call ring (perhaps for x number of rings), allowing the user to answer the call manually, via their telephone handset.

  2. Sales and support. A user would be able to advertise two different numbers (one for sales, one for support), and answer the call, with a different greeting or script, depending on the number called. STFax could be used to warn the user of an incoming sales or support call.

    The added advantage of this system is that if the user is answering one of the numbers (ie. support), both numbers appear �engaged� to another caller. This is ideal for the small or home business who often have one staff member - a consultant or similar.

    If the user had to pay a visit to a client, they could leave STFax to answer the support number with a greeting, but any calls made to sales would be transferred to his mobile phone.

  3. Phone and fax. A user would be able to advertise two numbers (one for voice calls and another as a fax only number), again using one phone line. A call comes into the voice number, STFax would ignore it (unless it is set up to answer after x rings, automatically). A call comes into the fax number; STFax would answer, in fax mode, without delay.

    Again, if the user leaves the office, calls made to the phone number could be transferred to his mobile phone, whilst STFax answers fax calls in fax mode.

  4. Phone and fax on demand. STFax could be setup, as described above, to ignore the call if it is an incoming voice call (to the voice number). However, a user could set up another number as a fax on demand system. A user calls this number, is greeted by the fax on demand system and can quickly choose the required fax documents.

  5. Phone and Mini-BBS. A user could use one of the available phone numbers to run a support bulletin board system. A home-based graphic artist would be able to answer calls made to the voice number and the mini-BBS would automatically answer any calls made to the BBS, enabling clients to download or send files to the local server.

There are a number of interesting actions that can be applied to distinctive ring. The function is ideal for the small or home business who are limited by the number of phone lines they can have installed (ie. you can often only have two lines per house, as standard).

STFax supports BT�s �Call Sign� (distinctive ring, but with only two ring type options).

Call logging. The log file stores the number, time and date of each call. Stored Caller ID information allows you to reply to a stored call or add the number to either the phonebook or the �call screening� preferences, allowing you to quickly add new contacts.

Over 60 pre-recorded professional system greetings. STFax ships with more than sixty professionally recorded �classic� English greeting and system messages. These can be re-recorded by the user or the user can choose to add further greetings. Your account greeting might be personalised, to suit your own requirements or preferences.

Independent Operation Mode support. STFax supports the Independent Operational Mode as found within the PACE 'Solo' , 3-Com Message Plus (and Pro), and Kortex Adaptix modems.

Independent Operation Mode allows you to use the modem as a digital answer and fax machine without the need for your PC to be switched on. The modem will answer with a greeting, the caller can leave a message as per a normal answer machine and, if they are sending a fax, the modem will switch into fax mode and receive the fax. The voice and fax messages are then stored on the modem and, the next time you run your PC and STFax, these messages are automatically downloaded to your software. You are then able to play/view/print/delete the messages.

STFax supports the advanced Independent Operation Mode features found only within the PACE 'Solo' modem. For instance you can remotely retrieve your messages, you can use the 'follow me' option to call you on your mobile and play important messages.

Auto-warn. Automatically warn a user of an incoming call. Different techniques can be applied:

  1. Default warning - plays �incoming call�, looped, to the user. The looped warning stops as soon as the call is answered.

  2. Default warning & Caller ID - plays �incoming call� and the caller id, where available. For example, a call from 01325 460116 would result in �incoming call�0-1-3-2-5-4-6-0-1-1-6�.

  3. Caller ID only - plays back the caller id, where available.

  4. Custom sample - play a custom sound sample. This could be an individual sample, per server, or a general sample, played across all servers. As an example a user could have �ringing1.wav� for server.1 and �ringing2.wav� for server.2.

Caller ID notification. Where a modem supports UK Caller Identification (Caller ID or CID), this information will be shown within the server window. If the number is listed within the phonebook, the name of the caller and any stored notes about the caller, will also be displayed.

STFax supports BT�s �Caller Display� (UK Caller ID).

Facsimile Features

Fax from any Amiga application. Simply choose the STFax' driver from the list of printers. STFax then intercepts the printed document allowing you to send, schedule or store the new fax message. You are also able to attach text or image files to the fax in order to create additional pages.

Send fax messages from any class 1, 2 or v2.0 modem, even via your mobile phone (using additional drivers).

Scan and fax directly from ScanFax. Scan single or multiple pages into STFax and send as a fax message.

Perform immediate, scheduled or store fax documents. Create your fax message then choose to send immediately, store for future access or schedule at a specified time.

Broadcast your fax to multiple recipients. Send a fax message to one or more recipients, either immediately or scheduled.

Add quick cover pages to your outgoing fax messages. Adds an A5 cover page to outgoing faxes. Broadcast fax messages will obtain information from the phonebook, where possible. For instance, the cover page will obtain the name, company, phone number and fax number, inserting this information into the cover page for every user that is selected from the phonebook. This results in a custom cover page for every fax broadcast to however many selected users.

Advanced fax on demand system. Run from within a script or standalone. Callers are able to request one or more fax documents, receiving them locally or to be sent to a remote fax machine.

Auto-printing of incoming fax messages. STFax can be set up to automatically print all fax messages that are filtered into a specific account. Each account can print to any available printer. For instance a fax received within the �Mark� account could be printed on the printer nearest to Mark, over a network.

Auto-forwarding of incoming fax messages. STFax can be set up to automatically forward all faxes received by a specific account (or all incoming faxes). For instance, if Mark was out of the office, he could have all his faxes forwarded to the remote location.

Automated replies. An option to automatically reply to all received fax messages or specific fax messages/callers. For instance, if a fax message is left by �John Smith�, and a fax filter recognises the remote id, an automated reply could be sent which says �Hey John, I am currently away on vacation for the next two weeks. Your fax was forwarded to Paul who should reply within the next two days. I�ll call you as soon as I return. Regards, Chris�.

Automated replies could be setup to reply to every, general fax message, where remote id exists. For instance, a reply that states �The office is closed during the next few days due to a change of address, we�ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you need us urgently, call Sue on her mobile: 07879 1234567�.

Advanced fax viewer. Scale fax pages, rotate, invert, clipboard mark and save and more.

Remote access to store fax messages. Any user can call STFax, enter their account ID (and password), connect to their account, check the number of new fax messages and then enter a number to fax forward these messages.

Advanced fax filtering. Filter incoming faxes based on �remote id�, �caller id� or �keywords� (OCR keyword searches - STFax will look for specific references within the fax. For instance a fax with �FAO Mark� could be transferred to Mark�s account). STFax can perform actions based on received and filtered faxes:

  1. Print to [any selected printer]. This option would print to any available printer. If a user has a specific printer, STFax could be made to print to this printer.

  2. Forward to [remote fax number]. Forward/transfer to an external fax machine. Useful for receiving important fax messages.

  3. Move to [selected box]. Move the fax to a specific account. For instance, if STFax recognises �Mark� within the fax, the fax will be transferred to the �Mark� account.

Fax filtering supports more than one rule. A user can choose to forward a fax to a remote user as well as moving that same fax to a specific account.

Fax filtering is especially useful for specific or important faxes. For instance, if a user was waiting for a fax from �Chris Wiles�, and was out of the office, he could set up a fax filter to check for the keywords of �Chris� and/or �Wiles� (or even remote id). This, and only this, fax would then be forwarded to a specified fax machine.

Voice Features

Use your modem as a hands-free telephone. STFax is able to use your modem speakerphone and microphone to hold a conversation with a caller.

Advanced tree structure voice scripting. Users can create advanced tree scripts allowing various options, depending on key pressed.

A number of commands are included:

  1. Menu - the opening menu, the other branches link from this. For instance the menu could say something like �Press 1 to be transferred to an operator, press 2 to leave a message or press 3 for our fax on demand system�).

  2. Greeting only - a simple greeting is played. For instance �Sorry, we are now closed for the weekend, please call again on Monday�.

  3. Greeting and record - a simply greeting is played, allowing a caller to leave a message after the tone. For instance �Sorry, we are now closed for the weekend. Please leave a message after the tone, or call again on Monday�.

  4. Choose box - choose a correspondent. For instance �Press 1 to leave a message for Sue, press 2 to leave a message for Mark or press 3 to leave a message for Chris�.

  5. Remote access - enter the remote access system. Allows a remote caller to check new voice messages (play, replay, delete), forward fax messages and change their account greeting.

  6. Transfer caller (modem dependent) - transfers a caller via internal PBX or to an external number (using three-way call).

  7. Call operator - tries to contact an available operator.

  8. Fax on demand - enters the fax on demand system.

There are also a number of sub-commands for each main command. STFax will, for example, always �listen� for the star key, which returns a caller to the previous branch. If a caller entered the �choose box� section and decided they wanted to route to an operator instead, they could press star to move back to the main menu.

Automatic dialing from the phonebook. Dial a contact�s phone or mobile phone number.

Message playback. Playback your messages via the modem speakerphone, phone handset or internal audio (sound card).

Call screening. By using Caller ID (CID), STFax can be made to perform various actions. A number of commands are available:

  1. Use custom greeting. Using Caller ID, a user can "assign" personalised greetings to particular caller. An example:

    �Mike half-heartedly asked his girlfriend to dinner that evening but wanted to confirm by telephone. He phones her, she's not at home, but her sister informs Mike that she will call when she returns.

    Damn, he's got to go out and meet someone and can't wait for the call. Mike records her a personal greeting, "Lisa, I had to rush out. Can we meet at Giovanni's around 7.30pm this evening? Leave me a message if there is a problem, if not I'll meet you at the restaurant".

    Lisa arrives home, hears the message but realises she won't be able to make it for 7.30pm, so calls Mike and returns the message "Hi Mike, can't make 7.30pm, but I'll meet you there before 8pm".

    Obviously Mike is not at home, but he can get to hear this message. He calls from a phonebox after his meeting, remotely accessing his voicebox, hears the message and makes his way to the restaurant for 8pm.�

    In this example, Lisa is the only person who hears the personalised greeting. If someone else called before or after Lisa, they would have heard a standard greeting such as "Sorry, I am currently unavailable. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you", or something similar.

  2. Warn user. By using call priority you can also set priorities to callers, using their Caller ID. Busy, but don't want to miss an important number? Maybe you are a freelance journalist needing to meet an important deadline, but daren't ignore every call in case the editor phones! Well, assign a priority to the editor's phone number and when he calls STFax would warn you of this incoming call and only this call. All other calls would be routed to a general greeting such as "I am not available at the moment, leave a message and I will get back to you soon".

  3. Play custom script. STFax can even execute a complete advanced tree script, based on an incoming call. For instance, you might want to offer the incoming caller a number of different options. Perhaps you want to offer established customers more of a personalised service? Well, instead of being greeting with the usual menu greeting (press 1 for�press 2 for�press 3 for�) a customised script, routing them to shorter set of options could be made available.

    Perhaps the caller never does anything but contact a certain member of your staff? Quickly route that caller to that staff member, but offer them the chance to move back to the main menu greeting, as an option.

    A custom script could also be used to quickly transfer a caller to an external number or at least offer this service to specific customers.

  4. Ignore call. By using Caller ID you can set a blacklist of numbers which you want to ignore, or be auto-answered. Tired of salesmen? Sick of constant nagging from the mother-in-law? Put their phone number in the blacklist!

    Number "WITHHELD", "UNAVAILABLE" and �INTERNATIONAL� calls can also be blacklisted or you can have STFax perform actions on these numbers. Very few people call friends and deliberately withhold their phone number, but a lot of sales people making cold calls use "WITHHELD", so you aren't aware of who is making/made the call.

  5. Answer in operator mode. STFax will immediately notify the operator that a call is incoming and allow them to answer in operator mode - or put the caller on hold, transfer the caller or even ignore the caller.

  6. Execute command line. STFax will execute an external program or command line. Could be useful for starting your contact database or similar.

    Once the command has been executed, STFax will continue to answer as normal.

    Call transfers using hook-flash (modem dependent). STFax is able to transfer calls internally (PBX) or externally (via three-way calling, ie. to a cellular phone). This serves a number of purposes. Some examples include:

    • Callers can be greeted with a message that asks them to press �1 for sales, 2 for support...�. Pressing �1� would route a user to the sales department or a sales operator, via PBX.

    • Callers can enter a correspondent�s account where they are immediately transferred to an external phone number (for instance if Mark was out of the office any callers wanting to talk to Mark could be transferred to his mobile phone).

    • Callers can be requested to enter the extension of the correspondent they require (ie. �4102�) and STFax will route the caller to that operator, via PBX.

STFax supports BT�s �Featureline� (Centrex) and similar PBX systems.

Data Features

Mini-BBS. As STFax differentiates between voice/fax/data calls, you could quickly route an incoming data call to STFax�s internal mini-BBS.

The mini-BBS allows any user to upload files to open or secret doors, list files available (from the download file list) and choose one or more for downloading, change doors (ie. protected and secret doors may be available) or message a user.

Three examples where a mini-BBS would be useful:

  1. A graphic design company could use the mini-BBS to allow clients to upload files inside and outside of office hours. Indeed, by using �doors� within the BBS, a client would be able to upload to specific accounts. Again, a STFax user could be auto-notified if a file is sent to their account or the file could be forwarded, via email.

  2. A software company could use the mini-BBS to provide updates, patches and software support to customers who are not connected to the Internet.

  3. An office worker who works from home could log into the mini-BBS, enter a secret door and upload files to the remote machine, from his local machine. This might be ideal for a worker who prefers to work part time from home and can quickly upload work, when requested, using a high transfer rate.

Future Additions and Features

These features are either �in development� or soon to go into development, to be included within v4.x, within the next few months. These short term features will be made, free of charge, to existing customers (OEM or standalone), when available:

Mailshot support. The ability to create internal and, possibly, external documents, using special fields that pull information from the STFax phonebook. For instance, if I wrote a message �Dear [title] [surname],� STFax would pull the relevant information from the phonebook and insert where needed. This would become �Dear Mr Smith�, if I was sending a fax to a �John Smith� contained within the phonebook. This is great for fax broadcasting. You can create one document, containing special STFax fields, choose (from the phonebook) who you want to send the fax to, STFax faxes these people one by one, inserting the information to the document from the phonebook. Everyone the fax is sent to appears to have a customised fax.

Advanced mini-BBS. The ability to remotely retrieve and manipulate information from/to STFax. A remote user could launch any terminal client, call STFax (via a secret/special number perhaps), enter a password and then:

  • Remote access to new fax/voice messages - download voice or fax messages from �accessible� accounts to their hard drive. For instance, a user who is on vacation in the States would be able to dial into STFax, at any time, and download their messages (voice or fax).

  • Remote message replacement - upload a new greeting message to replace the current message. A user might forget to change their account greeting message, leaving something similar to �I am away at a meeting and will return to the office this afternoon�, when they are in a remote country and unable to return to the office for a week. Therefore the user would record a greeting, upload to STFax and assign this as their system/account message.

  • Account configuration - the user could turn off (or on) auto-forwarding, alter the fax number that faxes are forwarded to or even change the script that is played when a caller enters their account and so on.

Cover page template selection. Users will be able to choose from a range of cover page templates with quick preview options.

Enhanced auto-forwarding. Future versions of STFax will allow auto-forwarding of voice and fax messages via various methods:

  • Via email - incoming voice and fax messages would be attached to an email message and forwarded to a remote email address. A user could have all new voice messages left in their account forwarded to their email address at the end of every day. The user could download their email from anywhere in the world then play the voice messages on any computer.

  • Via local HTML - incoming voice and fax messages could be made available on the companies internal server, probably within a hidden/protected directory. A user would be able to view this directory, via any web browser, from any location and at any time of the day. They would then be able to download the messages to their computer, for local playback or viewing.

Auto-forwarding could also be message specific. For instance CID (remote id, caller id or �keywords� for fax messages) would pick out specific messages, as requested by the user, and only forward these to the email address or local server.

Enhanced IO mode support. IO messages to be filtered in the same way as standard voice and fax messages, plus some other improvements.

Internet faxing. STFax will support faxing across the Internet, via TPC. This is a free service and vastly reduces the cost of broadcasting fax messages on a global level. However, the downside is that not every worldwide location is supported.



To use STFax 4, we recommend this minimum specification:

  • 14,400 bps fax (voice optional) modem (Rockwell, USR, Zyxel etc)
  • WB v3+
  • 10MB hard drive space
  • 3MB memory
  • 68020 processor


  • graphics board or 2Mb of chip to display big faxes
  • 68030/50 is the minimum needed to playback voice messages to Amiga audio

Supported Modems

US Robotics, ZyXEL, Dynalink, all Rockwell based modems.

STFax does *not* support ISDN modems and cards yet.


full version 4.0: 98 DM (~ 59 US$)

upgrade to 4.0: 59 DM (~35 US$)

A demo version is available on our FTP server. Download

STFax is a product of Active Technologies and Simone Tellini. It is distributed by Active Technologies and Haage & Partner (world-wide except for UK).

STFax 3.0 Professional

STFax Professional is a new commercial fax/voice program for the Amiga, which contains many advanced features you would find within commercial PC fax/voice software.

STFax has been in the shareware for the last few months, and the brand new commercial Professional version offers even more advanced features plus voice control for voice modems - you can use your Amiga as a digital answer machine, create a fax on demand service (ideal for small businesses - use fax on demand to remotely download facsimile information about your products!)

STFax also allows you to create advanced voice control scripts.

Features (v3.3 released)

  • Fax Support For Virtually All Fax Modems
    STFax supports all fax classes: 1, 2 and 2.0. You can use virtually any fax compatible modem from the cheapest 14.4 to the most expensive 56K. STFax allows you to automatically print incoming faxes to your printer when received.

  • Independent Operation Mode Support NEW v3.3 feature!
    STFax Professional now supports the Independent Operation Mode as found within the PACE 'Solo' and 3-Com Message Plus modems.

    Independent Operation Mode allows you to use the modem as a digital answer and fax machine without the need for your Amiga to be switched on! The modem will answer with a greeting, the caller can leave a message as per a normal answer machine and, if they are sending a fax, the modem will switch into fax mode and receive the fax.

    The voice and fax messages are then stored on the modem and, the next time you run your Amiga and STFax Professional (v3.3+), these messages are automatically downloaded to your software. Then you are able to play/view/print/delete the messages.

    STFax Professional supports the advanced Independent Operation Mode features found only within the PACE 'Solo' modem. For instance you can remotely retrieve you messages, you can use the 'follow me' option to call you on your mobile and play important messagesand so on.

    Please note: that you need the PACE 'Solo' or 3-Com Message Plus modem in order to use the independent support within STFax Professional v3.3+. We currently do not support the Olitec 56K or the new 3-Com Professional Message Plus modem. We hope to add support for these modems in the future, within a new update.

  • Simple or Powerful Voice System
    You can setup STFax to answer your phone in the same way as a normal answerphone. The caller dials your number, hears "sorry, we are currently unavailable, please leave a message after the tone" and records their message.

    You can expand on this system by introducing multiple voice boxes for each member of the family, or office worker. For example:

    "You run a business consisting of three people: Jim, Mike and Claire. Each office member would have a voice box. A call comes into the office and the caller hears "Press 1 for sales, press 2 for support or press 3 to record a message" , "Press 1 for Mike, press 2 for Jim press 3 for Claire" , "Hi this is Jim, it is Friday the 23rd and I will be out of the office this morning. Leave a message after the tone and I will get back to you or press 1 now to be diverted to an operator.

    The caller then leaves a message for Jim. Jim returns to the office, examines his personal voice messages and returns the calls."

  • Tree Structure Advanced Voice Scripting
    Create a heirachical tree based voice scripting system with unlimited branches. Allows you to create a professional voice system which directs a user to an operator, pre-recorded announcements, fax-on-demand service, voice mailboxes and more.

  • Fax-on-Demand
    Assign numbers to pre-created fax documents. Allows your callers to demand a fax by entering the reference number, enabling you to provide product or support literature/information 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

  • Quick Dialer
    Use your modem as a telephone replacement.

  • Speakerphone Support
    A user can use their modem speakerphone as a telephone replacement (depends on modem). Hands free communication with the ability for conferencing.

  • Local Script Testing
    Once you have created your advanced voice script, test the script locally via your speakerphone, speakers or earphones. No need to keep dialing your modem to test the script.

  • Phonebook
    Store important phone and fax numbers. Easily access these numbers when using the dialer, sending a fax, broadcasting faxes.

  • Shared Serial Access
    Allows you to launch other comms packages without having to exit STFax. Go online with your Internet software and leave STFax running in the background.

  • Remote Retrieval
    Remotely dial and log into STFax and forward faxes, listen to recorded voice messages etc. As each mailbox is password protected, each user can individually remotely access their voice messages.

  • Auto-Print
    Set STFax to automatically print incoming faxes.

  • User-Defined Voicebox
    Users can setup their own voiceboxes, with password and other settings. An incoming caller can be directed to this box, where there message will be left.

  • Personalised Greetings
    By using Caller ID (modem needs to support Caller ID), a user can "assign" personalised greetings to particular caller. An example:

    "Mike half-heartedly asked his girlfried to dinner that evening but wanted to confirm it by telephone. He phones her, she's not at home, but her sister tells him she will call you when she returns.

    Damn, he's got to go out and meet someone and can't wait for the call. Mike records her a personal greeting, "Lisa, I had to rush out. Can we meet at Giovanni's around 7.30pm this evening? Leave me a message if there is a problem, if not I'll meet you at the restaurant".

    Lisa arrives home, hears the message but realises she won't be able to make it for 7.30pm, so calls Mike and returns the message "Hi Mike, can't make 7.30pm, but I'll meet you there before 8pm".

    Obviously Mike is not at home, but he can get to hear this message. He calls from a phonebox after his meeting, remotely accessing his voicebox, hears the message and makes his way to the restaurant for 7.45pm."

    In this example, Lisa is the only person who hears the personalised greeting. If someone else called before or after Lisa, they would have heard a standard greeting such as "Sorry I am currently unavailable, leave me a message and I'll get back to you", or something similar.

  • External Program Control
    Launch a script when an incoming call is detected which can control the action of programs outside STFax. Example:

    "You are a freelance writer who likes to work with music playing in the background at a high volume, but does not want to miss possible important calls from publishers or magazines. You can set STFax to automatically pause (providing the software supports arexx) the music player when an incoming call is detected, allow you to make the phone call, and then will automatically continue the music when you hangup the conversation."

  • Call Screening
    By using Caller ID you can set a Blacklist of numbers which you want to ignore, or be auto-answered. Tired of salesmen? Sick of constant nagging from the mother-in-law? Moaning customers? Put their phone number in the blacklist! You can get STFax to perform "actions" when it detects this number - simply ignore the call (pretend you are busy or out), play a message "sorry, I am unavailable feel free to leave a message" or warn you that the caller is calling.

    By using Caller Priority you can also set priorities to callers, using their Caller ID. Busy but don't want to miss an important number? Maybe you are a freelance journalist needing to meet an important deadline, but daren't ignore all calls in case the editor phones! Well, assign a priority to the editor's phone number and when he calls, and only him, STFax would heavily warn you of this incoming call. All other calls would be routed to "I am not available at the moment, leave a message and I will get back to you soon".

    Number "WITHHELD" and "UNAVAILABLE" calls can also be blacklisted or you can have STFax perform actions on these numbers. Very few people call friends and deliberately withhold their phone number, but a lot of sales people making cold calls use "WITHHELD", so you aren't aware of who is making/made the call.

  • Bulletin Board System

    Why not create your own mini-BBS? Point and click BBS setup allows you to create multiple doors (with or without secure access), custom ASCII menus and greeting messages. Allow your user to download files within a door, upload files and even send you messages via the BBS. Ideal for the small/home business, family or other.


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